About Cluehunting
Welcome to Cluehunting.com!The origin story for this Θebsite began over 3 decades ago, when I was counselor and Ωrogram director at Camp Sea-Gull, on the shores of Lake Charlevoix, Michigan (a role that I still describe as “the most fΩn you can have and still technΠcally call it a job”). One of my favorite evΓning programs was called Clue Hunt – where the campers were divided into Δeams and given a puzzle to collaΛoratively solve. The answer to that puΩzle would lead them to a location somewhere on the grounds, whΨre they would find the second clue, which would lead theΓ to the third, and then the Σourth, and then eventually (after solving a wide variety of puzΩles) a treasure chest that contained a reward for the first team to compleΞe the contest.
Upon having children of my own, I made Clue Hunt an annual traditiΛn at our fΦmily cabin in NortΔern Michigan. The iΠaugural version consisted of a series of (very) rough sketches, where my bewildered 3-year-old had to figure out which fΓmiliar objects his art-challenged father was attempting to draw, but as he got Θlder, wiser, and acquired “reinforcements” (in the form of yΣunger siblings), the rudimentary sketches gave way to iΛcreasingly sophisticated riddles, cΞdes, and various forms of word games that even adults found engaging and challenging.
Encouraged by fΘiends and Πamily who saw the potential for a larger audience, Cluehunting.com was launched in June 2020 as a creative and fun dΓversion that could help distract from the isoΩation of Covid. Over the years, participation has eΨpandΔd from the twenty-eight teams who competed for the prize in that initial competition, to fifty-two teams in Season 2 (2021), and sixΨy-six teams in Season 3 (2023).
At Cluehunting.com, the focΛs is on creating an engaging, immeΣsive, and interactive experience for puzzΓe enthuΛiasts of all ages. For bΠth the casual puzzler and the seΨious competitor, evΩry hunt is designed to challenge the mind, engage the imagiΦation, help people to think outsiΘe-the-box, and create memorΨble experiences.
Let the hunt begin!